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Bryan Hodge
Oct 27, 20226 min read
How to Deny the Gospel While Affirming It
The gospel is the transforming means of God. In what ways are we tempted to think we need something more?

Stephen Duarte
Oct 13, 20229 min read
Sola Scriptura?: How Quakers & Roman Catholics Are More Alike Than Different
Essential to our doctrine of God’s Word is the notion of sola Scriptura. How do Roman Catholics & Quakers both deny this critical doctrine?

Brian Borgman
Oct 6, 20224 min read
Marriage & Spiritual Warfare: Belt of Truth
The belt of truth is the source of core strength. The belt of truth is vital. But what is the truth?

Brian Borgman
Sep 29, 20225 min read
Introduction: Marriage & Spiritual Warfare
In our marriages, we need God’s strength. We need to seek to be strong in the Lord.

Stephen Duarte
Sep 22, 20226 min read
Faulty Ultimates: Feelings
Due to sin we do not always feel the way we should. This truth is problematic in a culture that elevates feelings as the ultimate authority.

Daniel Ruben
Sep 16, 202211 min read
The Legal Problem of Premillennialism
The demand for absolute and perfect justice presents a major problem for the premillennial view.

James Dorman IV
Sep 1, 20226 min read
What is Evangelism?
In the midst of all the excitement about evangelism, can it be said that we have maintained a pure and stable definition of the word?

Daniel Ruben
Aug 22, 20225 min read
Why Does God Create Unbelievers?
Why does God create unbelievers?
The short answer is: He doesn’t.
Let me explain.

Stephen Duarte
Aug 11, 20223 min read
Law-Gospel Parenting
How does the distinction between law and gospel help in parenting?

James Dorman IV
Jul 25, 20224 min read
Introduction: Street Evangelism
What are we to make of Street Evangelism? Despite having many bad examples, does our Reformed heritage have anything to contribute?

Brennen Behimer
Jul 14, 20228 min read
Considering Civil Government, Pt. 4: Romans 13 in the Larger Context of Scripture
This is the fourth in a short series of posts examining the biblical conception of the civil magistrate.

Stephen Duarte
Jun 6, 20224 min read
The Dark Night of Despair
How can the Christian pass through the dark night of despair? How does the Christian face despair rooted in condemnation and circumstances?

Brennen Behimer
May 23, 20227 min read
Considering Civil Government, Pt. 3: OT Examples of Civil Disobedience to an Overreaching Ruler
This is the third in a short series of posts examining the biblical conception of the civil magistrate.

Daniel Ruben
Apr 25, 20223 min read
The Significance of an Insignificant Sunday
Where does the significance of Sunday stem from? Big production or God's ordinary means of grace?

Brennen Behimer
Apr 13, 20225 min read
Concerning Civil Government Pt. 2: OT Examples of the Covenant between King and People
This is the second in a short series of posts examining the biblical conception of the civil magistrate.

Brennen Behimer
Mar 19, 20228 min read
Concerning Civil Government Pt. 1: The People Make the King
The first of a short series of posts examining the biblical conception of the civil magistrate.

Stephen Duarte
Jan 12, 202211 min read
Hope for the Battle
What hope does the Church have in a world such as ours? How can the Christian soldier have hope in the battle?

Brian Borgman
Sep 22, 20213 min read
Praying for a Grace Invasion
I often pray as I walk in the mornings. This morning as I was praying for needs in the body, I found myself praying, “Father, may Your...

Brian Borgman
Sep 14, 20213 min read
How Criticism Reveals the Heart
It is easy to be critical. I know. The reason I know is because I can easily be critical. But yesterday I was thinking about the things...

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